Our Pools Mainpage: www.suprnova.cc. Our Twitter: twitter.com/SuprnovaPools Be sure to follow us for updates and news !
This pool has a separate User-DB for security reasons. You need to re-register even if you already have a suprnova account.
Suprnova's VertCoin (VTC) Pool // Payout Scheme: PROP Payouts active ! // Algo: Verthash // LIVE !
VertHash Port:
stratum+tcp://vtc.suprnova.cc:1777 Static-Diff: 1775 Low-Diff: 1776 Normal: 1777 High-Diff: 1778 or 1779
Command for SRBMiner:
./SRBMiner-MULTI --disable-cpu --algorithm verthash --pool vtc.suprnova.cc:1775 --wallet suprnova.1 --password x --gpu-boost 3
Command for Verthashminer:
./VerthashMiner -o stratum+tcp://vtc.suprnova.cc:1777 -u suprnova.1 -p x --verthash-data /your/path/to/verthash.dat --all-cu-devices --all-cl-devices
You can also mine directly to your wallet by using -u wallet_address instead of signing up and creating a worker.

Suprnova's VertCoin (VTC) Pool // Payout Scheme: PROP Payouts active ! // Algo: Verthash // LIVE !
VertHash Port:
stratum+tcp://vtc.suprnova.cc:1777 Static-Diff: 1775 Low-Diff: 1776 Normal: 1777 High-Diff: 1778 or 1779
Command for SRBMiner:
./SRBMiner-MULTI --disable-cpu --algorithm verthash --pool vtc.suprnova.cc:1775 --wallet suprnova.1 --password x --gpu-boost 3
Command for Verthashminer:
./VerthashMiner -o stratum+tcp://vtc.suprnova.cc:1777 -u suprnova.1 -p x --verthash-data /your/path/to/verthash.dat --all-cu-devices --all-cl-devices
You can also mine directly to your wallet by using -u wallet_address instead of signing up and creating a worker.