Our Pools Mainpage: www.suprnova.cc. Our Twitter: twitter.com/SuprnovaPools Be sure to follow us for updates and news !

This pool has a separate User-DB for security reasons. You need to re-register even if you already have a suprnova account.

Suprnova's VertCoin (VTC) Pool // Payout Scheme: PROP Payouts active ! // Algo: Verthash // LIVE !

VertHash Port:
stratum+tcp://vtc.suprnova.cc:1777 Static-Diff: 1775 Low-Diff: 1776 Normal: 1777 High-Diff: 1778 or 1779

Command for SRBMiner:
./SRBMiner-MULTI --disable-cpu --algorithm verthash --pool vtc.suprnova.cc:1775 --wallet suprnova.1 --password x --gpu-boost 3

Command for Verthashminer:
./VerthashMiner -o stratum+tcp://vtc.suprnova.cc:1777 -u suprnova.1 -p x --verthash-data /your/path/to/verthash.dat --all-cu-devices --all-cl-devices

You can also mine directly to your wallet by using -u wallet_address instead of signing up and creating a worker.
Contributor Shares
Rank Donor User Name Shares
1 anonymous 179
2 anonymous 100
3 anonymous 17
4 anonymous 16
5 anonymous 15
6 anonymous 15
7 anonymous 12
8 anonymous 9
9 anonymous 8
10 complexity 7
11 anonymous 6
12 anonymous 5
13 anonymous 5
14 anonymous 5
15 anonymous 5
Contributor Hashrates
Rank Donor User Name KH/s VTC/Day
1 anonymous 27,441 71.859
2 anonymous 14,431 37.791
3 anonymous 2,573 6.738
4 anonymous 2,479 6.491
5 anonymous 2,194 5.746
6 2,092 5.477
7 anonymous 1,915 5.015
8 anonymous 1,877 4.914
9 anonymous 1,485 3.889
10 anonymous 1,183 3.097
11 anonymous 980 2.566
12 complexity 979 2.563
13 anonymous 825 2.161
14 anonymous 816 2.136
15 anonymous 812 2.127
General Statistics
Pool Hash Rate 67.032 MH/s
Pool Efficiency 99.98%
Current Active Workers 49
Current Difficulty 96.03407022
Est. Next Difficulty 103.59361148 (Change in 1 Blocks)
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Network) 2 minutes 19 seconds
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Pool) 1 hour 42 minutes 33 seconds
Est. Shares this Round 24,585 (done: 1.86%)
Next Network Block 2,375,035    (Current: 2,375,034)
Last Block Found 2,375,034
Time Since Last Block 3 minutes 12 seconds
Last Found Blocks
Block Finder Time Actual Shares
2375034 anonymous 03/31/2025 17:38:45 2,674
2375029 anonymous 03/31/2025 17:28:15 33,928
2374967 anonymous 03/31/2025 15:04:22 8,122
2374952 anonymous 03/31/2025 14:30:11 7,090
2374941 anonymous 03/31/2025 14:01:03 25,439
2374887 anonymous 03/31/2025 12:10:32 34,799
2374826 anonymous 03/31/2025 09:44:17 10,699
2374810 anonymous 03/31/2025 09:00:52 53,626
2374731 complexity 03/31/2025 05:18:44 34,461
2374657 anonymous 03/31/2025 02:51:05 7,940